Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Junior Sisters Get Together 2024

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On December 9, 2024, all the young Sisters from the different parts of our Holy Spirit General Delegation gathered in the Karen community in Nairobi, Kenya, for their Junior Get-together program. They were joyfully welcomed by Sister Mary Margaret, the Junior Director, and Sister Mary Irene.

On the 10th, the Sisters had Jubilee videotaping in the Karen community and also used the compounds of the Holy Cross Fathers and Society Missionaries of Africa. Sister Mary Christine with Mr. Samuel the videographer conducted the videotaping of the different jubilee songs with the profession groups. The taping of the songs was done the whole day.

The following day, the sisters gathered in their different groups to discuss the expectations of the Junior get-together. The following are some of the details of the get-together:

On the 12th—15th, Sister Mary Kellen conducted classes on contemporary issues affecting religious life, such as the aging population among the religious, secularization, digital engagement, changing social norms, and decline in membership. She also taught about Pope Francis’s Final Document on Synodality, the effects of globalization on religious life, and mobile journalism.

On the 16th—19th, Sister Mary Margaret taught the Temporary professed Sisters about healing the inner child. They learned about the four main wounds that affect their growth: Neglect, Trust, Abandonment, and Guilt.

Sister Mary Margaret gave a recollection to the sisters on the 20th in preparation for Christmas. The theme was “God’s mercy, a charity that transforms.”

On the 21st—22nd, the sisters had classes with Sr Mary Mwende on prayer and discernment. They learned about the false voice, the still small voice, the encouraging voice, and the four ways/stages of prayer as stated by St Teresa of Avilla. In addition, Sister Mary Christine taught the young sisters about communication and discussed some of the issues concerning delegation and community living on the 23rd.

On the 26th, Sr. Mary Margaret again taught about the nine faces of God derived from the Enneagram personality tool.

The day for the outing was December 28, 2024. The sisters had a relaxing time at Natare Gardens in Kerarapon, Karen.

They completed their gathering on the evening of the 29th, nourished and refreshed for their ministries.

Thanks to Sister Mary Margaret, Sister Mary Christine, and the council members for arranging this wonderful program for the Temporary Professed Sisters.

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