“Night to Shine,” a Red-Carpet Day, was celebrated for the first time in India at Gahiri and Raxaul on February 7, 2025. This event was specially organized for “persons with special needs,” aged 14 to 50. On this occasion, 73 individuals from Gahiri, managed by the Patna Notre Dame Sisters Society, and 74 individuals from Raxaul, managed by Mashal Society, were selected and honored as kings and queens.
The day began with welcoming the special guests (people with disabilities). Ninety- seven men and 50 women were the special guests for the day. As they came in, they were given new beautiful dresses to wear.
The “Red Carpet Day” program began with the welcoming of the “Special Guests” as they came in procession. Each one was introduced to the audience with cheers and applause. The Red Carpet “escort” put a sash on each and crowned each one as King or Queen of the day. There were showers of confetti and shouting of slogans saying, “We Love You”, “We are proud of you”, and “God loves you so much”
It’s a memorable event of the year because we celebrate so many Kings and Queens and share how much they are loved. People who are neglected by society, who are uncared for, unloved, underprivileged, and unwanted by society are identified by the “Night to Shine” event and brought to the mainstream to show how they are loved, cared for, respected, and given hope to live without any discrimination. There were no bounds to the joy and satisfaction expressed by our “Special Guests” as each one was honored and crowned. Indeed, it was a heart-moving moment!
We owe our gratitude to the Tim Tebow Foundation for supporting this “Night to Shine” event as per the mission statement “committed to accompany and enable the marginalized to uphold their Rights and Dignity.” May this Day have a lasting effect on the lives of special people as they continue to experience love and care with respect for inclusive living. We thank Sister Mary Alice, Sister Mary Ruby, Sister Mary Deepika, and all our community members for their prayers and continued support. Our entire mission and staff worked for days to make this a memorable event and a witness to “Uphold Human Rights and Dignity.”