Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Leadership Training in the Second Half of 2024

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From Sep. 28 to 29, 2024, the second leadership training of the year was held for local coordinators and the heads of our institutes in the Notre Dame Education Center, Seoul.

Earlier in September, the Korean Major Superior of Women Religious invited Fr. Jeong Gang Yeop, SJ, a professor at Gregorian University in Rome, to lead a leadership course based on the gospels and Ignatian spirituality. The provincial councilors who had attended that course then shared their insights with our members.

It was valuable for us to listen to and discuss how to live our community life and ministry as adaptive leaders in the current era of rapid technological developments (including AI), the drastic changes society has undergone, and an uncertain and unpredictable future especially following the pandemic. We also shared our experiences in managing various and complex conflicts.

After the talk, we enjoyed the pictures of the final professions in our two missions and heard some announcements about important matters within the province.

Like Jesus, our best model of leadership, who sought God’s will in careful listening and mutual respect and lived it to his death, we hope to become humble leaders who share even our vulnerabilities in a healthy manner and help each other’s growth in Jesus Christ.

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