Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Ugandan Sisters Visit the USA


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In 1992, Bishop Deogratias visited our Motherhouse requesting sister educators for his Diocese of Hoima in Uganda, Africa. In 1993 Sister Mary Amy Hauck of California asked Sister Mary Margaret Droege of Covington to partner together to do research on this endeavor.  After many visits to Uganda and negotiations with the Bishop, both provinces decided to prepare and to send two missionaries each to lay the foundation for an unknown future. The area of Buseesa was chosen as an area of need in Uganda. During the past twenty years these two provinces have provided missionaries and monetary support to build three schools, formation houses, living space for about 500 boarders as well as farmlands to support this mission venture in Uganda.  Sisters from three other provinces have also contributed to this mission.

Between May 14 and July 13, 2016, nine Ugandan Sisters of Notre Dame have been able to visit the sisters of the provinces, which have supported them, their education and training over these many years.  The first group included Sister Mary Juliet Atugonza, Sister Violet Marie Katwesige, Sister Anita Marie Kyolimpa and Sister Mary Sunday Kusemererwa.

The second group included Sister Mary Teopista who is a St. Julie Mission School graduate from P – 1 through high school!

When asked about the impact of their visit Sister Mary Sunday responded,  “We are so grateful for the work and support of the SND’s and their friends for our formation and education. This visit has been very enriching, widened our horizons and given us a global view.  The experience of visiting Sister Maria Aloysia’s grave has helped us live what we have been learning.” For those of us at home in the US, this visit has greatly encouraged us as we appreciate the fruit of our initial venture of sending missionaries to Africa back in 1993.

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