The Opening Liturgy and Reception at Kloster Annenthal

October 1, 2016
2016 General Chapter 161001_gc_openingmass

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The Opening Liturgy for the Chapter was held on Foundation Day at St. Lamberti Church.  Three hundred sisters were present as well as city officials, and many parishioners and friends of the community. The Bishop of Munster, Bishop Felix Genn, presided. Rev. Johannes Arntz, the pastor of St. Lamberti and Dean of the Catholic churches in the area, as well as Rev. Franz Westerkamp, the chaplain of the Kolping Society in the area, concelebrated. Many sisters from Coesfeld, Vechta, Mulhausen, and Tegelen were present as well as friends, relatives, and parishioners from the area.  The Liturgy was very international with the procession of flags representative of the 19 countries where we serve, a Brazilian Gospel procession, the Indian Arati, and German, English, Indonesian and Korean songs. Sister Maria Ursula from Vechta accompanied all on the organ making the Mass a glorious act of praise and gratitude. The celebration ended with the song Holy God sung in each one’s own language.

A lovely dinner reception followed at Kloster Annenthal during which all joined in the festivities of the day.  The sisters of Kloster Annenthal went out of their way to make everything very special for everyone.

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