Celebration of the 125th Death Anniversary of Sr.M.Aloysia in Tegelen

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20140506_Tegelen_02On May 6, 2014, we began the day with the celebration of the Eucharist in which we had special prayers to thank God for Sister Maria Aloysia. After Mass we came together in the recreation hall to drink a cup of coffee and meet Sister M.Patricia Dorobek, our Congregational JPIC coordinator, who had come to introduce herself and her ministry to us. In the afternoon she gave us a presentation about her work. She showed us how our Sisters in India are working according to the principles of JPIC. All of us were very interested and promised to pray for the five issues: children, women, elderly, immigration/migration, human trafficking and the integrity of the creation. Each Sister received a picture of the work of our Sisters in India. After that we had a break for coffee, tea and some sweets, and then we had some time to rest. At 5:30 p.m. we had a special prayer service in the chapel to wrap up this special day during which we remembered Sister Maria Aloysia and our beginnings and learned new things about the ministry of our sisters throughout the world today.
